Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Clipboard problems

Today I when I copied some text,
I couldn't paste it anywhere.

Usually I just use the shortcut keys,
but to test it now, I used the contextmenus.
Copy (or cut) appeared just fine, but when I wanted to paste,
the item was grayed out in the menu.

Looking for the clipboard viewer,
I located it in c:\windows\system32 folder, named clipbrd.exe.

As I started it, it gave me the following error :
The ClipBook service is unavailable or is not started.
Contact your system administrator to have this service started.

All fine and well, but what a weird error, looking at the clipbook service description I found :
Enables ClipBook Viewer to store information and share it with remote computers.

Not exactly what I needed, as remote computers or the clipbook viewer were not my target.

So I just clicked OK,
and tested the viewer,
and 'lo and behold my clipboard functions were working again and I could copy and paste as I wanted.