Friday, December 14, 2007

And one more

The release candidate for Windows XP service pack 3 is now also available for download here

It is not a final release, that one will follow sometime next year,
but this RC packs total of 1073 fixes.
Also includes four new features are included : 
  • a new activation scheme,
  • Network Access Protection Module
  • Microsoft Kernel Mode Cryptographic Module
  • Black Hole Router detection algorithm.

DirectX 10 for XP is not included, and probably won't in the final either.
For those running XP, download away!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Yet another release Office 2007 SP1

No RC this time :
Microsoft has released Office 2007 SP1,
It can be downloaded in Dutch and English.

SP1 contains all previous patches and updates, all the changes can be found here.

These are the release notes :
The 2007 Microsoft Office suite Service Pack 1 delivers important
customer-requested stability and performance improvements, while incorporating
further enhancements to user security. This service pack also includes all of
the updates released for the 2007 Office suite prior to December of 2007.

Vista SP1 RC1

Microsoft has released a script that will make Vista SP1 RC1 appear in Windows Update.
The script changes a registry key to make the SP1 RC1 visible.

You can find a full changelog here, or a shortened version here.

You can download the script here.

I will download the SP1 RC1 as soon as possible and post my findings.

Microsoft has released Volta

About a week ago Microsoft released Volta from the labs.

What is Volta :

Volta is a developer toolset for building multi-tier web applications using existing and familiar tools, techniques and patterns, It allows to make the decisions until the very last passible moment.

It also enables new end-to-end profiling and testing.

It makes that you can build your application as a .NET client application and then assign parts of your application to the client side or the server side. The compiler automatically creates cross-browser JavaScript, web services and all required code for the tiers to communicate.

Volta has the following advantages :
In the architectural dimension :

Language-independence. Write Volta code in any language that compiles into MSIL. For example, C#, VB, IronPython, etc.
Leverage the entire .NET toolchain. Use libraries; the IDE, Intellisense, auto-complete, snippets; FxCop; profiler; class browser; ILDASM; and so on.
Low entry barrier. Reduce your learning burden; use “only the languages in the room.”
Brown-field applicability. Volta-enable existing applications for the cloud.
Beyond 2 tiers. Refactor to as many tiers as you need using exactly the same mechanisms recursively applied.

In the execution-platform dimension :
Deep embedding of CLR semantics. Preserve exact CLR semantics across platforms.
Cross-browser support. Use one programming model across browsers.
Complete orthogonality with refactoring. Mix and match refactoring and retargeting.
Ajax-ready. Write Ajax patterns and idioms in familiar .NET languages.
Debugging transparency. Debug code with a specific browser.
Leverage browser-specific features. Where needed, access features unique to each browser.
Visual-Studio integration. Enjoy seamless integration with the IDE.

In the next post we will make our first Volta application.
Can't wait?
Download volta here :

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My Lolcat

Following the hype,

here's our own lolcat (Gyzmo (aka Barbaque the cat))

more at IcanhasCheezburger